JavaScript technologies
Horváth, Győző
senior lecturer
Financed from the financial support ELTE won from the Higher Education Restructuring Fund of the Hungarian Government
Table of Content
- Prerequisites
- JavaScript in the wild
- Evolutions
- Syllabus
Previous courses
- The basics of programming
- Web development 1.
- Web development 2.
Prerequisite knowledge
- JavaScript
- ECMAScript 3
- DOM basics
- Event handling
- Important HTML5 APIs
- templates for generating output
- handling input, form processing
- persisting data (file)
- session handling
- authentication (log in/out)
Scope of the course
Introduce modern paradigms in web developments on the basis of the prerequisite knowledge.
Introduce modern JavaScript tools in web development.
Using JavaScript both on the client and server side leading to full-stack JavaScript development.
Usage of JavaScript
- browsers
- servers
- databases (MongoDB, SAP Hana)
- task runners (Grunt, Gulp, Broccoli)
- shell scripting
- embedded systems (Arduino)
- desktop environments (Windows, Gnome3)
- desktop applications (Atom, VSCode)
Evolution of the JavaScript language
ECMAScript standards
- 1997: 1. version
- 1999: 3. version
- 2009: 5. version (ES5)
- bug fixing
- minor changes, improvements
- 2015: 6. version (ES6, ECMAScript 2015)
- major improvements
- modern features
Evolution of browsers
- 1996-1999: 1st Browser War
- 1999-2008: 2nd Browser War
- 2008-: 3rd browser war
From Firebug to complex development pipelines
- alerts
- console
- debugger
- package managers
- task runners
- transpilers and compilers
- remote debugging
- headless environments
- sandboxing
Evolution of text editors
- Notepad++
- Eclipse
- Netbeans IDE
- Sublime Text
- WebStorm
- Atom
- Visual Studio Code
Evolution of frameworks
- 2006: jQuery
- 2011: Backbone.js
- 2012: Ember.js
- 2013: AngularJS
- 2014: React
- 2015: Flux-like frameworks
Evolution of architectures
- jQuery + plugins
- module pattern (Crockford)
- Separate modules connected with an event bus
- Two-way binding
- Unidirectional data-flow
- Component-based architectures
Evolution of view abstractions
- jQuery
- templates
- virtual DOM
- components
- Language as a tool
- Tools in web development
- Client side
- Server side
- Database side
- Live applications
- Objects in JavaScript
- Functions
- ES5 features
- Some ES6 features
- package managers
- module loaders
- task runners
- transpilers
The client side
- Native/naive solutions
- jQuery
- templates
- Backbone as a basic abstract layer around state and views
- Marionette: refining Backbone views
- Virtual DOM
- React
- Flux
- Redux
The server side
- Node.js basics
- Express.js
- Typical web tasks in Express
- generating output
- handling input
- persist state
- session handling
- authentication