JavaScript technologies

Refining views in a Backbone application with Marionette

Horváth, Győző
senior lecturer

Financed from the financial support ELTE won from the Higher Education Restructuring Fund of the Hungarian Government


An extension layer over Backbone features

Marionette references

Basic concepts

  • Sophisticated view management
  • List operations
  • Useful extensions
  • Reusable behaviors
  • Communication between components
  • Object-oriented paradigm
  • Application frame


  • ItemView
  • CollectionView
  • LayoutView
  • (CompositeView)


The following considerations about view and memory management are from the great book of Addy Osmani.

Abstraction step 1.

The template

<script type="text/html" id="my-view-template">
  <div class="row">
    <label>First Name:</label>
    <span><%= firstName %></span>
  <div class="row">
    <label>Last Name:</label>
    <span><%= lastName %></span>
  <div class="row">
    <span><%= email %></span>

Abstraction step 2.

The view

var MyView = Backbone.View.extend({
  template: $('#my-view-template').html(),

  render: function() {

    // compile the Underscore.js template
    var compiledTemplate = _.template(this.template);

    // render the template with the model data
    var data = _.clone(this.model.attributes);
    var html = compiledTemplate(data);

    // populate the view with the rendered html

Abstraction step 3.

Using the view

var Person = Backbone.Model.extend({
  defaults: {
    "firstName": "Jeremy",
    "lastName": "Ashkenas",
    "email":    ""

var Derick = new Person({
  firstName: 'Derick',
  lastName: 'Bailey',
  email: ''

var myView = new MyView({
  model: Derick


Abstraction step 4.


var MyView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
  template: '#my-view-template'

Memory management 1.

The view

var ZombieView = Backbone.View.extend({
  template: '#my-view-template',

  initialize: function() {

    // bind the model change to re-render this view
    this.listenTo(this.model, 'change', this.render);


  render: function() {

    // This alert is going to demonstrate a problem
    alert('We`re rendering the view');


Memory management 2.

Using the view

var Derick = new Person({
  firstName: 'Derick',
  lastName: 'Bailey',
  email: ''

// create the first view instance
var zombieView = new ZombieView({
  model: Derick

// create a second view instance, re-using
// the same variable name to store it
zombieView = new ZombieView({
  model: Derick

Derick.set('email', '');

Memory management 3.


var ZombieView = Backbone.View.extend({
  template: '#my-view-template',

  initialize: function() {
    // bind the model change to re-render this view
    this.listenTo(this.model, 'change', this.render);

  close: function() {
    // unbind the events that this view is listening to

  render: function() {

    // This alert is going to demonstrate a problem
    alert('We`re rendering the view');


Memory management 4.

Using the repaired view

var Jeremy = new Person({
  firstName: 'Jeremy',
  lastName: 'Ashkenas',
  email: ''

// create the first view instance
var zombieView = new ZombieView({
  model: Jeremy
zombieView.close(); // double-tap the zombie

// create a second view instance, re-using
// the same variable name to store it
zombieView = new ZombieView({
  model: Jeremy

Jeremy.set('email', '');

Memory management 5.

Marionette.ItemView with automatic close() method.

var ZombieView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
  template: '#my-view-template',

  initialize: function() {

    // bind the model change to re-render this view
    this.listenTo(this.model, 'change', this.render);


  render: function() {

    // This alert is going to demonstrate a problem
    alert('We`re rendering the view');


Memory management 6.

Rendering the view (boilerplate code)

var Joe = new Person({
  firstName: 'Joe',
  lastName: 'Bob',
  email: ''

var myView = new MyView({
  model: Joe


// show the view in the DOM

Memory management 7.


// create a region instance, telling it which DOM element to manage
var myRegion = new Marionette.Region({
  el: '#content'

// show a view in the region
var view1 = new MyView({ /* ... */ });;

// somewhere else in the code,
// show a different view
var view2 = new MyView({ /* ... */ });;


  • for showing a model
  • in a template
var MyView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
  template: "#some-template"

new MyView({
    model: modelInstance


  • showing a collection
  • automatic iteration
  • childView must be set
  childView: MyChildView


  • showing multiple views
  • define regions
  • show() method
var RootView = Mn.LayoutView.extend({

  template: '#root-template'

  regions: {
    header: '#navbar',
    content: '.content-area',
    footer: 'footer'

  initialize: function() { /* ... */  },

  onBeforeShow: function() {
    this.getRegion('header').show(new HeaderView());
    this.getRegion('footer').show(new FooterView());
    this.getRegion('content').show(new IndexView());
